Entrepreneurs make money by solving problems.
Social entrepreneurs make money to keep a problem solved.
Both start by understand who they're trying to help, but for social entrepreneurs, the people and problems they target are incredibly complex.
An entrepreneur who wants to sell artisan handbags has to think about which factories will supply them, what channels to distribute, along with a host of other problems. Lucky for them, people have been selling handbags for a long time, so there's a lot of different examples they can learn from. .
A social entrepreneur who wants to sell artisan handbags made by disadvantaged communities has to worry about the business AND the people. People aren't factories and need to be treated differently. How does an entrepreneur control how many bags get made per month while keeping these communities lives in mind? How should the entrepreneur structure the company so that profits help these families as well as help the business grow?
Problems like these take a very special set of skills. This is where Synergy comes in.
Synergy understands the specific challenges social entrepreneurs face. We help entrepreneurs overcome them and work with philanthropists to build an ecosystem that encourages entrepreneurs to test new ideas and see what works.
How do we do it?
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